
class#11 Men and Women

My opinion
I agree this author opinion. I think that Japanese men is fall into a fuck of Love relationship. Last year, "Sousyokudansi"(herbivore boy) was won the grand prize in the buzzwords contest. Also, there is the word is "otomen"(girlish boy). Otomen is the boy that can housework, and has girlish hobby and thinking. I think we shouldn't buck for merit in the love. Japanese women is active to love than men. Japanese women is strong.

12 件のコメント:

  1. Hi, lambo!!
    I like men who can do housework. But, girlish boy is.... I like Nikusyokukei danshi!!haha

  2. I think I like Soushokukei Danshi and Otomen better than the men who act arrogant.

  3. Hello^^

    I don't like "Soushoku kei danshi"^^;

    I likes "Nikushoku kei danshi" better than "Soushoku kei danshi"☆

  4. I only know the name of OTOMEN! Is is interesting? I think these phenomenons means the time is changing. I believe women are being storonger than men.

  5. Hello!
    I think "soushoku kei danshi" is good!!
    If all men are "nikushoku kei danshi", it is very horrible.

  6. Hello lambo!!
    I agree with you.
    I like "Nikusyoku kei danshi" better than "Soushoku kei danshi" :)
    Which do you like "Sousyoku kei" or "nikusyoku kei"??

  7. Hi

    Yes, I think that japanese women are stronger than men, so they called "soushokukei danshi".
    I think a love definition defferent from man and woman.

  8. Hi!
    Your answer is very intersting!
    I often use Nikusyoku-kei and Sousyoku-kei.
    This words are very interesting!!

  9. I think the women's images of the men changed as we have new words "shoushoke danshi" and "otomen".

  10. I think either.
    These day, many women gonna be stronger than men. I dont like Sousyokukei-danshi, but they should help houseworking.

  11. Hello!
    Sometimes I see a "Sousyoku kei danshi".
    But!! I don't like "Sousyoku kei danshi" very much;(

  12. Hi!!
    I don't like "Soushoku kei danshi"
    I like "Nikusyoku Kei danshi"
